Hidden amidst never-ending construction in downtown Gainesville, a simple door with the word “open” greets patrons. Beautiful bottles of oils and glass jars of homemade jams line the walls. Chocolates – Bacio, Toblerones, Vosges and Lindt – cover the counters in all sizes. Cheeses of all sorts fill the glass refrigerators. Unique beer by the bottle squeezes its way between cookies and candies. Beyond racks and racks of wines from the world, a small, charming dining area awaits.
At noon, and nearly empty, The Wine and Cheese Gallery begun serving Saturday brunch. My girlfriend Lauren and I took a seat by the window overlooking nothing in particular but beaming with the sun-lit Florida sky. The one-sided paper menu listed only about 15 items, each more wonderful than the next for light lunch. Chicken salad on rye, salads with pecans and almonds, sandwiches with brie. 
Unable to refuse quiche, I ate a wedge with buttery crust, tomatoes and broccoli, while Lauren ate the veggie scramble – eggs, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, spinach, feta and olives. Both were filling enough to satisfy, but airy enough to sit well.
Dessert left much to be desired – some type of blueberry cake – which Lauren decided wasn’t worth ordering. We walked along the racks of wine, nodding at chocolate ones and ones from Spain, before paying our check at the front. We couldn’t resist buying a few pieces of chocolate near the register for the car ride home.
We squawked about whom we wanted to bring back for a delightful meal, knowing that The Wine and Cheese Gallery would be perfect for our best friends and our parents. A little cheese to go with that wine? Yes, indeed.
The Wine and Cheese Gallery 113 North Main Street
Gainesville, FL